Thursday, 7 July 2011

"to glorify things that are"

My title is taken from a poem I saw on the tube today. That is what this blog is about. Glorifying.
Most of life isn't interesting, but that doesn't mean you can't laugh at the small things, cry at the big things and be angry at the rain.

I'm well deep.

Went to see the X Factor Auditions at the O2 today. GOD! People can complain! If you got a free ticket to the O2, expect to queue for a few hours. Some choice phrases from today.
"They should give us free water and food" (If filling your mouth would shut you up)
"How DARE they be overrun! I have better things to do you know" (Go do them then)
"Oh Em Gee" (As bad as saying lol, let's be honest)

They say British People spend a lot of time queuing. And I'm one of them. But me and my mates kicked that queue's arse by making friends with a security guard/shepherd and, as a result, got let out of our section/pen/cage and went to Costa where i regretted my decision to buy a Iced Vanilla Latte instead of a Vanilla Latte Cooler. Note to self, always go for the pureed one. Not the shitty "poured over ice" one. Was overly jealous of the crushed ice variety and had a little pout to myself as I regretfully drank my pile of shit.

I just drank half a bottle of wine whilst watching The Apprentice.
I'm so grown up.

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