Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Dreams of the day and the night

This upcoming sentence might sound strange... but since when does that bother me?
But my day dreams kick my night dreams' ass.

For example. 
Here are my last two dreams of the night time kind that I remember, in no particular order apart from alphabetical....

I helped move my best friend's stuff from one room to another identical room. 
Yes. That's actually it. And I list "creative" as one of my attributes.

And the second...

I wake up in bed (in the dream) with millions of staples in my thigh. I proceed to pull each of them out while teaching a class of students (still from my bed) about economics. I should hereby mention I'm not entirely sure what economics is. I also list "intelligent" as one of my attributes.

So, in conclusion, I have very dull and slightly disturbing night dreams.

My day dreams include, in no particular order apart from reverse numerically....

2. Spiderman styley exiting my office window and ordering a subway (footlong, meatballs, extra cheese, lettuce, tomato and a splash of mayo) (toasted) from the nearby stall whilst hanging upside down... with an ice cold diet coke which I then drink upside down and it doesn't come out of my nose. And I totally count "table manners" as one of my attributes.

1. I'm going to be an incredibly successful producer/singer/actress/entrepreneur who cures world hunger and instigates world peace. I also invent my own language called Hedele... And have a bath with a built in jacuzzi which I could basically do a lap in. I'd still be modest about it (it's one of my attributes)

Day dreams are freaking awesome!

Bit of a dramatic week. Dreams still holding on through. 

I say dramatic, but I'm not a dramatic person. Apart from when I nearly get hit by a car. I squeal and giggle nervously before giggling then squealing and attempting to make it look like I'm on Trigger Happy TV and it's all to make THEM look like fools. Yes. Them. Definitely not me.

Good night fellow oxygen breathers that are able to read. 

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