Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Paranoid rhymed with Humanoid

Tonight I walked home with an intense paranoia, so I combated it by mouthing along to the tunes on my iPod and making the people around me KNOW that I was more of a nutter than first they might have thought.

Only recently rediscovered my iPod. That bit of tech that gives the world a full blown soundtrack that is ever slightly more interesting than traffic, sirens, wind, footsteps and delay announcements that never quite keep in rhythm with my thoughts. Now suddenly, I'm in control of my very own private movie where the lady in the sickening snugly couple on the tube is in fact only sleeping with him for his money and shagging his brother on the side (Cheating Gets It Faster by Jimmy Eat World) and the baby in the pram is a complete genius with an IQ to the equivalent of always being sure if it's "who" or "whom" (Bohemian Rhapsody) (If I have to tell you who that is by then you should not be reading this and I think you should leave) (Okay you can stay but you are on your last warning) (Busted) (I'm so hilarious, I meant the Bee Gees).

Oh, I got mugged yesterday. But if you want REAL news, I also found the most perfect pair of boots online. They will be mine, oh yes, they will be mine. They will perfectly match my fancy designer purse that my Mum got me for my bir... oh yeah, that totally got taken unlawfully from my bag by a few lowlife scumbags... Anyhow the boots will totally go with my new found rage and bitterness. I mean, my stripey purple socks.

Going to find some sleep now... I think I left it in my pillow. One of them. I have lots of pillows. Big ones, teeny ones, normal ones and uncomfortable ones. Oh. I left the sleep in the uncomfortable one. Night!

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