Friday, 2 March 2012

Sister, My

Having a video chat with my sister at the moment and because she posted a picture of me looking ghastly last time we spoke... well... let's not call it revenge... let's call it... retribution.

Anyway. My sister. 24 (I think) and more or less the same height as me, unless you take into account size of heel, hair style, hat/no hat and whether we are sitting/standing, and who does that? Really? She has a penchant for laziness, like the best of us, and I always thought if she'd won the lottery she'd buy a big house, with a maid or two, and adopt several children, with a nanny or two. She would call them all some variance of her name... therefore, in my head, she'd have a number of, slightly chubby, Kat's, Kathy's, Kate's and Tharines. As well as some boys who she'd call Peter or Pete or Andre, as in my head she still has a weird obsession with the overly tanned and shiny abbed guy of the nineties, who only got more annoying as the years went by, didn't he? She'd also have a room for me to stay in that is bigger than hers, with a four poster bed and a view of the sea. She won't know how she ended up with a room with a single bed and two windows, both of which have trees right outside - great big bushy ones at that - for even in this alternative universe, I still get my own way, even if deep down I know it's unfair. I don't think she's sat in the front seat of any car we've both been in since 1994. And that's only cos I actually wanted to sit in the back. Good times.  Anyway, that's if she won the lottery.

She has big boobs. This annoys me. Many the hour have passed with me looking down at my puppies and cursing the God or Gods.

My big sister has spindly hands like my Mum... her blue eyes, petite nose and ear size. Actually, we both got that. This is combined with my Dad's charming lankiness (you should see pictures of him in the 70s/80s) (He had hair then too) and his quick temper. She frowns a fair bit, which shouldn't hinder her getting a fella - have I mentioned her boobs? She has clear skin which I can only put down to her habit of wearing ever so slightly less make up than me on a day to day basis. Ok, that's a lie. She doesn't wear any and I wear a lot. Glad we've cleared that up. Her clothes mostly consist of my donations and my suggestions. Her lack of weekly clothes purchases is such a stark opposite to me that I sometimes think I, we or she's adopted. Then I realize we both look like Mother and often get told we look a lot like each other. We're both shaking a fist at those people. Which I find quite insulting, who wouldn't want to look like me? She also isn't very arrogant. Even in a jokey way. We're very, very different - which is fine - she'd probably annoy me more if she was like me.

The only person I've ever dreamt about punching in the face hurt my sister.

If I had to, I'd say I loved her quite a bit. If I had to. My blog though.

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