Saturday, 26 May 2012

Cool Jobs

A little list of cool jobs. In my humble but accurate opinion.

1 - Crop Circle Maker (QI to thank for that one)
2 - Chocolate Taster (obviously, yes, you'd get fat, but fat people have friends too, and sex)
3 - Muscle Shiner - for the 300 prequel. (Can you imagine? I'd get bruises from the overwhelmed faints)
4 - Surrealist Painter (I'd paint any old shit. In the dark.)
5 - Columnist for a good paper (A serious one. Soz)
6 - Princess (I'm not that girly. I'd rather be King, but, you know, that's anatomically challenging and 'Queen' gives off a weird I'm-going-to-behead-you vibe. In Miss H's world)
7 - Speech Writer for George W. Bush (I'd write any old shit. In the dark)
8 - Masseuse for the Bourne movies. (As perve usual)
9 - Endless Blogger (I have a lot of thoughts. No... really)
10 - Swear word maker upper (You fondikirk, you! [Means he's a bit of a knob])

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