Sunday, 20 May 2012

Not Nervous At All

You know when you know you really have to go to sleep because you know that you have to be rested because you know that tomorrow's a big day that would probably go better if you knew you'd had a nice sleep. Well I know all this but I also know that the following pointless tasks need doing:

Filling up my water glass, even though it's half full. (what if I get mega thirsty in the night?!)
Arranging my handbag so oyster and headphones are balanced on top.
Writing this blog
Opening the window.
Making sure the plastic on my facewipes is sealed (Goddarn it, it's frustrating when they go dry)
Putting that empty D.Coke can in the bin.
Putting pants and socks out for the morning (NEVER do this normally, but why not)
Cleaning that smudge off that mirror.
Scrutinizing a potential wrinkle next to my eye (I'm 23! Why God why!)
Plumping pillows. Putting back them in cupboard. (I have too many pillows for my bed) (Women are mental)
Closing window.

Not doing these tasks would leave my brain open to be nervous about tomorrow, which means I won't be able to sleep.

I realise this might be a bit of a catch 22.

Might read One Day. That always sends me to sleep. Blah, love, blah, betrayal, blah, really not Shakespeare, blah, no I've not seen the film, blah, why did I buy this book, blah, why do I listen to recommendations, blah, love, blah, betrayal, blah, snore, blah, snore, snore...

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