As much as you like the theatre, fellow thespians and the
warm glow of a well aimed Fresnel you are not always going to like the show.
Maybe the set is frighteningly unstable or your arse is more numb than the
actor’s facial expression or the script is about as exciting as the opening
spiel of a telemarketer or that actor is just too darn pretty to be playing a
brute. Whatever it is, unless you’re sat at the back, near the door, in a
rather large theatre and have no shame, well, you aren’t going anywhere and
there’s nothing you can do about it. So in case you need a hand to keep
yourself awake, to cease the mind numbing ache of monotonous tones or to stop
yourself from screaming, here are a few things you can DO.
1 - Got a pad and paper? – write that play you’ve always
thought about. The incessant notes will intrigue your neighbours, who will
surely make others aware of your talents and word of mouth will surely ensure
your debut is an instant West End hit, despite being a musical about a postman.
2 - Check out your surrounding fellow theatre goers’
concentration faces. Enjoy.
3 - Imagine the gorgeous lead naked on a bed of silk with a certain
look in his/her eye... – add secret fetish here - ... leave with a satisfied
naughty smirk that none of the other equally disappointed patrons can
4 – Got hair? – plait it. Unplait it. Put it in a bun. Now a
high bun. Undo the bun and attempt a French plait. Repeat. The concentration
will amuse the people around you and you’ll get a subconscious arm work out.
Not got hair? Plait the person’s hair in front of you.
5 – Imagine yourself in all the roles. Appreciate the irony
of the fact you’re pretty sure you could quite possibly make it worse.
Here’s a few things you DON’T do.
1 – Start singing along with the songs. Whether they’re part
of the show or just in your head it’s quite inappropriate, will get you nowhere
with the ladies and, most importantly, it will distract the critics from the
2 – Make a phone call. Only bastards make or answer calls in
a theatre or cinema. Even if the film does feature Jennifer Lopez. Are you a
3 – Instigate a game of musical chairs during set changes.
4 – Get your iPad out. Especially to play Angry Birds. This
is one of two examples on these two lists that I’ve actually seen occur.
I rarely see a bad show and this column is meant almost
entirely in jest.